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Zip Compression

Activity Description

Compresses a file or folder using the selected compression method.


The compressed file


  • Source Path – The location of the file or folder (e.g., C:\logs\log.txt).
  • Host Name – The location of the destination folder, where the compressed file is created,
  • Destination Archive Path – The location of the destination folder, where the compressed file is created (e.g., C:\Archive\
  • Archive Password – Sets a password required in order to extract the compressed file (this field can be left empty).
  • Encryption method – The type of encryption used when compressing the file (Standard, AES Weak, AES Strong or AES Max).
  • Compression Level – The strength of the compression (No ZipCompression, Super Fast, Enh. Deflate, bzip2, LMA, or PPMd).